
New Digs

This is the post excerpt.

Firmly ensconced in the new digs, time to revive the blogging and embark on a few other courses of action. Will be firing up the youtube channel, hopefully, and using that as an adjunct to this place.

I don’t really expect much in the way of an audience, given that this will be an eclectic mix of shit I do and shit I want to say – that is, this will not strictly be about making nor about social commentary nor about politics nor about anything else restricted and specific. This is an extension of my home, it’s my space, and I’ll do here whatever the hell I fucking please.

So, expect to see me documenting builds and projects, interspersed with rants on science, politics, social issues, and whatever the hell else it strikes me to include. I’ll say this at the outset: Assuming anyone ever bothers to come here to see what I produce, it will be a waste of your time to tell me that I should do what you prefer and not do what you don’t like. If you come here for the builds but don’t like my vocal support of LGBTIQA+ rights, or my anti-authoritarian rants about religion and dogmatic thinking in general, or that I’m a feminist, or that I’ll fucking call out bullshit from those allegedly on my side of the fence, then don’t waste your energy. Kindly fuck off and find a comfortable echo-chamber to get your thrills.

I’m under no obligation to give the first of two wet shits about your self-obsessed opinion. But I have that luxury, because I’m a cis het white male in Australia. Compared to almost everyone else who lives or has ever lived, I’ve got it astonishingly wonderful.

So that’s fair warning. This place is Made By Geoff(TM) , and Geoff makes objects and also ideas, and the making process sometimes depends on tearing other things (or ideas) apart.post